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Educated Page 8

  My cock jerked at her comment, but I didn’t move to stand. I wanted her to come to me. I’d chased her around this damn garden so many times. Today, I wanted it to be her idea. Since it was Saturday morning, we had all the time in the world.

  “How’s your new song for the showcase coming?” I put a strong emphasis on the last word, hoping to break her resolve to ignore me. She shifted on her feet and then went back to her task, her rigid posture the only sign I had to confirm I’d affected her.

  “It’s coming.”

  Just like you’re going to be. Multiple times.

  Over the past year, I’d learned every hot button she had and was determined to find even more. I wouldn’t stop until I could make her come apart in my arms at a whisper of a touch. I wanted to own every inch of her. Then she bent over to pick something, and I almost lost it. All I could think of was kneeling behind her, pulling her yoga pants down and licking her. I’d find her wet and hot.


  “Judge, I need your help with something.”

  “What is it?”

  She spun around and presented a dead plant of some kind. Devon could name every varietal of plant on our property, but I only knew a handful. I had no idea the identity of the deceased. “I can’t see it. Can you come closer?”

  I didn’t know she could move that slowly. Like a lioness about to pounce on her prey. Except she wouldn’t have to pounce. I’d come willingly to be devoured.

  When she stopped in front of me, I removed the brown flower from her hands and put it on the ground next to my chair. I wrapped my hand around her waist and pulled her forward. She lost her footing and had to place her hands on my chest to keep from falling on top of me. Our mouths were close, our breath becoming one.

  “What if the Smythes hear us?” she whispered. “I heard Anne out in her driveway washing her car this morning.”

  “I think it’s too late for that, my love. The Smythes already know we’re depraved. Anne might judge but old George… well, he’s in his late fifties. He thinks I’m one lucky chap. I bet he’s thought about boning you.”

  Her blush delighted me, and I reached up to place my palm on her flushed cheek. I loved nothing more than making her turn crimson. She was still an innocent in so many ways, my Devon.

  She groaned. “Oh, don’t say that, Judge. I’ll never be able to look at them the same way again. I won’t even be able to wave.”

  I wrapped my hands around her waist to keep her in place for my torment. “Just as long as they don’t ask to join us and make it a foursome, I’m okay with it.” I smiled at her outraged hiss. “Then again, Anne doesn’t really do it for me. Not like a certain curvy girl with the voice of an angel. The voice thing, that really does it for me.”

  As I spoke, I inched my hands upward and tugged at the neck of her t-shirt, yanking it down to expose the lace of her bra. Red. That did it. Time to up the ante. She knew better than to wear red underwear. It incited my passion just like a matador’s cape would old Toro.

  “What are you doing?” she asked on a breathy sigh.

  “Bird watching. I think I saw a hummingbird flittering around your day lilies.” I pointed to the flowers in question with my hand but at the same time I dipped my head to capture one lace-clad nipple between my teeth. As the bud grew underneath my mouth, I sighed. Perfection.

  “You don’t… um… birdwatch.”

  A jolt of yearning flooded my chest as she stammered. If all it took to get her delirious was a little tongue action, what would happen when I raised the stakes even higher? I turned my mouth on her other nipple, gaining satisfaction with every little moan and ragged breath.

  “Does it turn you on thinking that Anne is next door with her binoculars?” She didn’t respond, but her breathing increased. “Does it make you wet to think that she might be watching, jealous of every time you come hard? Because she probably hasn’t had that happen since the seventies. I’ve seen George’s garage. He’s not very adept with his hands.”

  Devon swallowed, her pupils dilated, and she mewled with pleasure in the back of her throat.

  “Why don’t you find out for yourself?” she spat out. “I mean, about me being turned on.”

  “Gauntlet thrown, my darling.” But I didn’t move my hands down her body. I continued tormenting her nipples, going between them until she wrenched away from me.

  “You said…”

  “Pull your pants down, Devon.” She straightened, but I stopped her with a hand to her hip. “Leave the panties on. Until I say differently.”

  She nodded slowly, and I watched her cheeks turn an even deeper shade of crimson as she obeyed me. After a few moments, I wondered if I’d made a mistake because she took the disrobing process so seriously, only about a sliver of skin became exposed with each passing second.

  If she was going to make a game of it, I could, too. I sat back and got comfortable as I waited for her to divest herself of the black Lycra. She made me wait. Much longer than I thought I could stand. Lifting my eyes to meet hers, I could see she’d gathered the material around her ankles.

  “Step out of the pants. Now.”

  Her foot kicked out and the pants sailed a few yards deeper into our green grass. When she stood rigid before me again in only her red lace thong, I slowly lowered my gaze.

  I could barely recognize my own voice. “The panties. Pull them to the side. I want to see what’s mine.”

  Her fingers trembled as she reached down and shoved the lace to the side of her nether lips, leaving her flesh bare for my hungry gaze, the paleness of her skin a sexy contrast against the deep red of the lace. Her pussy was bare of any hair, and her slit was a gorgeous peach color. My hand twitched, the need to reach out and run a finger down the cleft pulling me forward. But I resisted and settled back in, gripping the cedar armrests with all the strength I possessed. When I glanced down, my knuckles had turned into white hail balls of impatience.

  “Take them off now and send them to the pile with your pants.” When she hesitated, I growled, “You’re not going to disobey me, are you? That will make me very unhappy.”

  She flicked her tongue out to moisten her lips and my cock twitched. The damn thing was so hard I wanted to grind it against the cushion for an ounce of relief. But I didn’t because soon enough, she’d ease the ache for me.

  Her eyes danced with mirth. “I’d never disobey you, Judge. I only want to please you.”

  “Good. Then come and stand at the end of this lounge chair. Kick off your shoes and put your toes right here.” I patted the floral vinyl cushion between my legs. When I glanced down, I noticed the tenting in my pants. But Devon hadn’t looked yet. That would be next. I’d force her to look. She lifted her leg and positioned her foot as I’d instructed. I leaned forward, letting my legs fall to the ground so that I straddled the chaise. I needed to be close enough to reach her for what I wanted to do to her. “Put your hands on my shoulders.”

  She reached up and gripped my scalene muscles to balance herself. I grabbed her raised knee and positioned it the way I wanted. Soon, she’d learn to just spread herself open for me, but she still retained a hint of shyness and I had to admit the cat and mouse game still got my blood pumping and my cock hardening. We could continue to play for now.

  With a stern gaze at her face, I let go of her knee and pushed my hands upward to cup her breasts and push them together. The turgid nipples pointed skyward. The sun streamed down from between puffy clouds and the mild weather spoke of a glorious day ahead. And I wanted to see my woman naked and lush before my eyes in the broad daylight.

  “Take the shirt off. Over your head. And faster than you did the pants.”

  My hands wanted unfettered access to the large mounds of her breasts currently held back by transparent red lace.

  Once she stood before me in just her bra, I hissed in a breath, thinking my actions were starting to backfire on me. Once inside her, I’d spill too soon. I needed to slow things down. “Christ, Devon.” I lifted
my eyes up to her face and found her looking at me. “Pull the cups down and let your breasts spill free.”

  Her breath came in frantic little pants, her expression a mixture of defiance and lust. I knew she wanted to tell me to go to hell. But she didn’t. And the tormentor switched roles and become the tormented without as much as a harsh word from her lips. Her trembling hands lifted and she obeyed, tugging the cups down and exposing her breasts only for my pleasure. And hers. I moaned and clutched them, I wanted to suck her nipples and see if it was even possible to get them any harder, but first, I wanted to taste her pretty pussy until she came all over my face. Softening her. I wanted it. Needed it. Because her initial orgasm made her core so hot and wet that it engulfed my cock in tight pleasure, milking me until I couldn’t hold back one more second and filled her to overflowing.

  I pulled her lips apart, saw the pink center, and couldn’t stop myself from leaning in and sucking. She tasted sweet, musky, and all mine. I licked her until her legs started to shake and by the signs of her body that I’d come to know and love, she was about to come hard. I doubled my efforts, wanting that pussy ultra-soft for my cock when I finally impaled her.

  I moved my mouth to her clit, sucking the engorged bud and then flattening my tongue against it. “Come for me, Devon. Now.”

  She complied, her body quaking and trembling as she rode her orgasm for a full minute. If my firm commands would be her undoing, I’d tell her what to do more often. I didn’t stop my tongue’s movements until she fell forward on top of me, flush with my body. The curves of her body provided some much-needed friction for my aching erection but not nearly enough. Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Take my pants off, Devon.”

  She let her legs fall on either side of my knees and sat on my thighs. I leaned back again, not thinking I could watch. Wanting to watch. The zipper tugged down. She stood to rid me of my pants and boxer briefs and then settled back into position on top of me, the heat of her pussy causing my cock to strain skyward, reaching toward it.

  Before I could make my next demand, she touched me, her deft hands sliding up and down, pumping me exactly how I liked it.

  Her breathy voice slayed me somewhere deep inside. “Fuck me, Judge. I don’t care who’s watching.”

  “Then ride me.”

  I snapped my gaze to hers, my words flung out with the strength of a strangled groan. I had to be inside her. But she controlled the pace. She controlled everything. The woman had my whole damn life wrapped up in the palm of her hand.

  Devon got on her knees and lined up her hot, slick opening with the head of my cock. She locked eyes with me, but I didn’t see power or triumph there. All I saw was her love for me. And that was it. I couldn’t take another moment, so I grabbed her by the waist, lifted her a few inches and impaled her on top of me in one powerful thrust to the hilt.

  She closed her eyes and ground herself against me. Her pussy contracted along my straining cock and I kept my firm grip on her hips, not wanting to let her control the pace anymore. It felt too tight. Too good. The pleasure made me want to pass out. I saw stars float before my closed eyes, and I couldn’t let her lead.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Devon.”

  “Then do it.”

  “You belong to me, woman. Me and only me. Forever,” I said as I started to buck upward, and she soon got my rhythm and did all the hard work from above.

  “Yes. It’s always been you, Judge. You and only you.” The words slipped out of her lush lips on a moan, and I reached up to trace them with the pad of my thumb. Her tongue flicked out to lick my digit. After she stopped, I reached between us so I could find her clit and send her over again. The little bud was already swollen and ready for round two. I wanted her to come on my cock so I could feel the contractions of her wet pussy, drawing my own powerful orgasm from deep within.

  I started thrusting hard and deep, any desire for being gentle floating away on her little mewls of pleasure. She bit her lip, trying to stifle any noise, worrying the tender flesh with her teeth, flashes of Anne Smythe’s wrinkled brow probably in her brain. She cried out and threw her head back, her thick auburn hair floating around her shoulders. I admired the view of her full breasts bouncing as I snaked a hand around the back of her head and fisted those silken tresses.

  “Judge,” she whispered. “I need to come. Please touch me harder.”

  I drew lazy circles around her clit with my thumb. As soon as I felt her muscles clench around me, I came so hard I lost my breath.

  Damn it. I loved this woman so much that I’d spend the rest of my life showing her how much.



  Five Years Later

  My daughter’s eyes sparkled with love as she gazed up at me under thick eyelashes. One tiny hand gripped my forefinger as the other flailed through the air.

  “She’s beautiful, honey.” My dad’s deep voice pierced through, drawing my attention back to him. He and my mom had been in the UK for a week now, meeting their new granddaughter for the first time. Little Rose had her father’s thatch of dark hair with red highlights courtesy of yours truly. I’d never thought I could love a human being as much as I loved Judge, but I did. From the moment I’d seen her angry red skin and her mewling face, I’d fallen so deeply in love with her, it ached.

  And her father loved her just as much. He’d taken my mom around the back to see the blooms that had served as her namesake. I loved gardening, and I intended to show Rose, too, so she could follow in my footsteps. Just as soon as she could walk.

  “I’d like to take your father into the village for a pint, dear.”

  My mom and Judge appeared in view, walking toward us. Good grief, she’d already taken up the local flavor by speaking in slang. I couldn’t see my conservative Midwestern mother sidling up to the mahogany bar at the village pub for a ‘pint’.

  I smiled and nodded, anxious to have my family all to myself. My parents had long ago come to terms with my relationship with Judge and for their blessing, I’d be eternally grateful. They didn’t have to be so magnanimous, but my dad had seemed to thaw a little more each time he talked to Judge after the day he’d hit him. Their relationship would probably never be as strong as it once was, but they’d made peace over their differences because they loved me, and I came before any petty disagreements. Although I loved having my parents around to bask in the glow of their love and acceptance, alone time with Judge and Rose felt good, too.

  “I thought they’d never leave,” Judge whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling my neck. “How long did the doctor say we have to wait to… you know.”

  I laughed at his discomfort. Even though I longed to get back to our daily love making, I couldn’t even imagine it since I’d just naturally delivered an eight-pound baby.

  “At least six weeks. And it’s only been four.”

  He groaned and kissed the sensitive spot on my neck that I loved so much. Then his tongue snaked out to lick my pounding pulse. “That’s forever.”

  I groaned into his jawline. “Right. So don’t go getting me all worked up.”

  His hand palmed Rose’s head with such a gentle touch filled with love my eyes welled up with tears. What had I ever done to deserve such a wonderful life? With a man who wasn’t perfect but so perfect for me that I had to pinch myself to make sure I hadn’t wandered into one of my ancient fantasies. But I didn’t need to exist on dreams anymore.

  They’d all come true.

  “I can’t help myself. Besides, just because you can’t have intercourse doesn’t mean we can’t be… creative. You’re a songwriter. And an award-winning one at that. I can already imagine myself standing at your side in a penguin suit as we walk the red carpet at the Grammy’s. I can’t believe that Kelly Clarkson has already recorded one of your songs. You’re going to be famous, sweetheart. And I’ll be your studious British sidekick. Instagram will wonder how I ever got so lucky.”

  I grinned, basking in the glow o
f his pride over my success. “Well, in that case, as soon as my folks leave for the airport tomorrow, let’s make a date for nap time. It will be just you and me. And I’ll be on my knees.”

  I delighted in his ragged inhale and when I reached back and touched him, my hand hit human steel.

  “I’ll look forward to it,” he whispered.

  “Me, too. And Judge? I love you so much.”

  He wrapped both me and Rose in a family threesome of safety and protection. A cocoon of love. “Thank you for my beautiful daughter, wife.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Thank you for reading EDUCATED! I hope you enjoyed Judge and Devon's story.

  The next book in the Taboo Tales series, Roped, a sexy friends to lovers romance about a meat-eating cowboy and the vegan who loves him, is available for a special pre-order only price of $0.99. Read the sneak peek of Roped below and don't miss out!

  Pre-Order ROPED now!

  Turn the page for an excerpt from Roped. . .


  Taboo Tales Book 3: Cowboy

  Colleen Charles

  Chapter One


  “I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like someone went buck wild in a bovine brothel.”

  I spit into the low brush and shake my head. Then I stomp the heel of my cowboy boot into the dirt and twist.

  And twist.

  And twist one more time for good measure.

  A cloud of loose earth floats into the air and my best friend from the time we were in the cradle puts a hand to his mouth and coughs.

  “Christ, Ben,” Jake says, giving another giant hack for effect as if he’s a tomcat yacking up a furball.

  I reach up and adjust my hat. “This really pisses me off. How am I gonna get this shit off them?”

  After stomping up another tornado of dry earth, I stalk over to the herd and narrow my eyes. My family specializes in elite beef cattle, grass-fed and organic, that we sell to all the high-end restaurants within shipping distance. Ranching can be a tough life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the land and I love my animals. And I love the fact that both have been in my family for generations. The prize-winning cattle are treated with respect and they have hundreds of good days until they have just one bad day and end up on some rich city slicker’s plate.